01.2022 #klimafit – Protecting the climate on your doorstep
The climate crisis is a global challenge, but with very different regional effects. What “climate crisis” means for everyone personally, for their own place of residence, home and community, we know at the latest since the night of July 14 to 15. How do we deal with the situation in the district of Ahrweiler and what can everyone do for climate protection?
Under the title “#klimafit – Climate change on the doorstep! What can I do?”, the multi-part Kvhs event led by Eveline Lemke will take place from Thursday, March 24, as a combination of face-to-face and online events. The course is offered, as also in the past year, in co-operation with the environmental learning school+ of the waste management enterprise of the circle Ahrweiler and on four of six course evenings in the period March to June in Niederzissen takes place.
Here, interested parties learn about the causes and consequences of the climate crisis, what accelerates it and what the climate protection and climate adaptation concept of the district of Ahrweiler looks like. The course, developed by WWF Germany and the Helmholtz Association for Regional Climate Change and Man (REKLM), is aimed at committed citizens who want to make their towns and cities more climate-friendly. The course is sponsored by the Klaus Tschira Foundation and the Robert Bosch Foundation.
Info and registration: Online at kvhs-ahrweiler.de directly in the course search, by mail to or tel. under 02641/9123390.
Press release Kreis-Volkshochschule Ahrweiler
Photo by Herbert Brandenburg