01.2025 Training in sustainability skills for supervisory boards: Good Sustainable Corporate Governance
From March 2025, the Berlin Institute for Governance & Leadership (BIGL) at the Berlin School of Economics and Law will be offering comprehensive further training in sustainability skills for supervisory board members.
Thinking Circular® is pleased to be providing the “Deep Dive Circular Economy” workshop in the second module of the training.
The requirements of sustainability regulation are an opportunity for companies and organizations to position themselves resiliently for the future. The BIGL training course addresses precisely this potential: going beyond the mere fulfillment of reporting obligations, we prepare supervisory board members for the confident management and monitoring of the current transformation processes towards a sustainable economy.
What the program offers you:
· You will learn from and with sustainability pioneers!
· You will develop an understanding of global developments that have led to the sustainability policy that you are currently dealing with on the supervisory board.
· You will acquire comprehensive knowledge of the systematics and content of sustainability regulations that affect companies: from disclosure requirements to prescribed climate scenario analyses.
You will gain a comprehensive understanding of potential corporate risks arising from current systemic crises (ecosystem crises, social crises, political crises).
You will learn about the success factors of good sustainable governance and how to implement them efficiently.
You will be inspired by companies that have already successfully embarked on transition paths.
You will develop on a personal level and gain skills in dealing with high complexity and potential conflicts of interest.
You will develop best practices and reflect on challenges in a trusting exchange with a maximum of 15-18 participants.
After completing the training, you will receive a certificate of advanced training.
The program is funded by the Mercator Foundation.
A virtual information event will provide insights into the training program:
Tuesday, February 11, 12-12.45 p.m.
Informal registration is possible via