02.2019 Rheinland-Pfalz as a global role model for the energy system transformation towards 100% renewable energy
Rheinland-Pfalz is a global model for a 100% renewable energy policy. This has been highlighted in the new report of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Abu Dhabi – “Best Practice Examples to 100% Renewable Energy”. IRENA is an intergovernmental organisation that supports 160 member countries in their transition to a sustainable renewable energy future.
Rheinland-Pflaz was the only German state example cited in the comprehensive report of IRENA “Coalition action”. The international alliance, which is affiliated to IRENA, is growing steadily and now has more than 80 leading players in renewable energies as members: Industrial associations, private sector companies, Civil society, Research institutes and Non-governmental organisations.
“In Rheinland-Pflaz, this was achieved, which would actually have to happen in the whole of Germany: We have set a binding road map for complete transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030. If this is now internationally recognised, we can be proud of it”, said Eveline Lemke, former Minister for Economic Affairs, Climate Protection and Energy, who during her time made a significant contribution to advance the energy turnaround and initiated the State Climate Protection Act 2014.