03.2021 Sustainability Yearbook 2021
In March 2021, Metropolitan Verlag, Regensburg, will publish the fourth Sustainability Yearbook. It contains valuable impulses to face the growing challenges of resource and climate protection and to initiate a transformation to the circular economy and climate neutrality in the economy.
In addition to articles on new aspects and developments, the Yearbook contains best-practice examples from companies, presents networks and organizations, and provides an overview of competitions and certificates in the field of sustainability.
With “Homo Circularis – Of circularity and reality. And what it all has to do with banana bread”, Thinking Circular® has contributed an article on the Circular Economy. The new theory is not yet fully formulated. Filling the theoretical gaps is a concern of the authors Eveline Lemke and Charléne Nessel. Fundamental questions are already being asked: what is the human image in a Circular Economy if we humans are to survive in the future of climate change?