Scholarly insights into interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary sustainable education projects in Brazil and Germany. Descriptions help readers and teachers quickly share knowledge across disciplines.
Editor: Adriana Büchler
ISBN 978.85.7084.429-3
The book, written in Portuguese, can be ordered at (24,99 € incl. VAT).
In the course of our daily work, we deal with a wide variety of theories and approaches to thinking. Where are we in our thinking? We present five approaches of thought in this guide.
This glossary contains a list of definitions of frequently used Circular Economy terms. These form the basis for understanding the sound concepts and systemic thinking techniques for understanding the interrelationships and in implementing circular applications.
This handbook shall be a guide for managers who want to pave the way to a circular economy. Inspired by the Systems Innovation Network (SI), it delivers a description of the basic understanding of Systems Thinking that is needed to find one’s way in the complex and everchanging world of economics.
As Thinking Circular® it is our mission to give orientation in the economic jungle of dysfunctional systems to make circular economy not only a vision but reality. Therefore, we have adopted and adapted SI tools with circular approaches.
This handbook shall build a bridge from Systems Innovation to Circular Economy.
The world’s biggest material flows
This study could inspire industry managers to make the right choices and pave the way to a circular society that is equitable, balances social and environmental needs, and will be a solid foundation for humanity’s survival on planet Earth.
Find the study here and take the first steps into the Circular Economy for your company, business model or life.
Every year, about 100 billion tons of material are taken from the planet. Of these 100 billion tons, 10 billion tons p.a. are circular. 1.5 billion tons of these are the top 10 materials, of which we looked closely at the TOP 5. So our study subject covered not even 1.5% of the global material flow.
Find the study here and take the first steps into the Circular Economy for your company, your business model or your life.