News / 15.01.2024

The end of human dominion. And  the new beginning of human existence. The current farmers' protests in Germany show once again that climate protection is being pitted against the protection of human interests, such as the basic supply of food. And of course we know the arguments we use to promote climate-friendly agriculture and animal welfare. Nevertheless, the argument that climate protection is not human protection subtly catches on. So there is reason to explore this metaphor. Because only if we understand why the supposed opposition between nature and culture...

News / 01.06.2021

As we know today, climate change is man-made. The question of how we behave therefore determines our future and that of our planet. When market researchers categorize people's behavior, they develop so-called personas. Personas also exist to describe people who behave in a sustainable way. However, we don't trust any market research unless it has been done or verified by ourselves. That's why we have examined common personas (named Hannah, Tom, Dori and Ulrike) from the Sustainable Living 2020 study in more detail. For verification we have set...

News / 19.05.2021

The human actor in the Circular Economy is an interesting topic. Often it is assumed that consumers support the Circular Economy mainly through demanding circular products. System thinkers say, consumers are overestimated in this role. Furthermore, this mindset suggests that we can maintain our current system. The only thing consumers need to do is to consume differently. But that doesn't go far enough. This we would like to clarify in this blog post. The Circular Economy sometimes puts the cart before the horse. In recent years, the Circular Economy...

News / 26.04.2021

What we learn from nature science is that blue whales get disoriented by ship noise, dying riffs, rising temperatures due to climate change or because they are swallowing plastic waste. Just like the whales our material world is disoriented. Let’s use the metaphoric: Still, we are extracting 100 Billion tons of material every year out of this planet. That’s equivalent to more than 666 million blue whales. Still a number too large to imagine. Only 9% of all the material is moving in cycles. So, imagine the 10.000 blue whales,...

News / 22.04.2021

In Germany the market share of green products was about 11% in 2017 (latest numbers; that’s 139 Billion EUR of 1,300 Billion EUR GDP in total). The goal of a higher market share for green products is to reach 32% in 2030 (= 404 Billion EUR). Did you know? Green energy consumption has increased by 50% since 2011. After introducing trustworthy ecolabels, sales of green products triple within one year. 82% of the 15–29-year-olds are currently revolutionizing the food market through eating less or no meat. 33% of them...

Unkategorisiert / 26.02.2021

About resilient earthlings, stewards of all things, who love, learn and seek good life The Circular Economy already offers some answers to the question of how the economy could be in the future. However, the theory is not complete. It still lacks an idea how we as humans are described in this new world. How would people have to be or act if the theory of the Circular Economy were to become reality? We dare to attempt a formulation that - following the Circular Economy - we call Homo...

News / 17.02.2021

About circularity and reality. And what it all has to do with banana bread. Eveline Lemke, Charléne Nessel Which statement best describes the future of the Circular Economy? Reality is becoming circular? Or is circularity becoming real? Is there a difference? And is it even true? Aren't we still miles away from a Circular Economy? The Circular Economy and the Green Deal are the EU's big topics, chosen by Ursula von der Leyen. So far, it has hardly met with any criticism, because it promises green growth opportunities and reaches new...

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