News / 09.09.2021

Economies as complex systems can’t be described in one sentence. Looking into classrooms, students learn about economies as simple linear structures. They inhale demand and supply, production and consumer interests, money and currencies, prices and speculation. All that can easily be described by numbers and curves in a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional math. Leaving the classroom, we come to notice: Economy is more. It is not 2- or 3-dimensional. Especially the global economy - which evolved from cultivated assumptions and underlying paradigms - goes beyond that. How to emphasize the...

News / 14.07.2020

Thinking Circular® and FZ Recycling GmbH & Co. KG Im Schülert 13, Niederzissen A construction site is always fascinating, exciting and surprising. For builder Leif Ziebeil, this has become an everyday occurrence in the past few months. But despite all the tensions and surprises - it's done. We have moved in. 99.9 kWp photovoltaic systems produce electricity on the roof and supply buildings and production. The vision of circularity, sustainability and energy efficiency has become real. Anyhow - even after months of planning and construction, the corona pandemic and lockdown, the...

News / 09.04.2020

Innovative projects need money and donors want to make binding investments in sustainable projects. The scientific discourse and the practical experience of how impact measurement and sustainability can be presented in a binding manner for investors is therefore a mandate for anyone concerned with future innovations. Certification with the FNG seal is a matter of course at ESG Portfolio Management GmbH.   See the Video here. Christoph M. Klein, founder and managing partner of ESG Portfolio Management GmbH, has now appointed Eveline Lemke to the advisory board of ESG Portfolio Management...

News / 27.03.2020

How to overthrow the crisis king’s crown (CORONA) on March 23, 2023 It was exactly three years ago that the small team from Thinking Circular was sitting together at the crisis meeting concerning the corona situation. And like some crises, whether Chernobyl, the forest decline, Fukushima, the climate crisis or the financial crisis of 2008, the Corona crisis has burned itself into the minds of the employees. What is not longer part of the team in 2023 is the fear of another crises. Only one thing is certain: the...

News / 13.03.2020

Space for thinking and producing is scarce, which we experienced in our growth process. With every step we take, the need for space grows. So we decided to develop our own area. The choice for our head office has been made with an eye to the future and the possibility of development. Our small community of circular economy start-ups has deliberately chosen the location in the Niederzissen industrial area, because this is where we are at home. This is how FZ-Recycling started in Kottenheim, Thinking Circular® had its...

News / 06.11.2018

After her term as Minister for Economy, Climate Protection, Energy and State Planning in Rhineland-Palatinate, in 2017 Eveline Lemke seized the opportunity to reposition herself personally and professionally. Thus she founded the consulting company "Eveline Lemke Sustainability and Circular Economy Consulting".  Together with the agency for branding and design p21 by Yvonne Kamp in Grafschaft, a complex brand development was started aiming at systemic and science based consultancy for sustainability and circular economy. As a result the green multiverse "Thinking Circular®" was registered as a trademark at the European Union...

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