News / 12.10.2022

The time of worldwide simultaneous crises has begun. Has the time of an ecological emergency regime also begun with it? Ulrike Herrmann, author of the book “Das Ende des Kapitalismus” (The End of Capitalism), published by Kiepenheuer&Witsch Verlag, addresses the question of what economic policies can help to prevent our economic systems from collapsing. I was interested in how Herrmann categorizes the Circular Economy in this book. Can the theory of the Circular Economy help solve the crises? Will we survive on this planet if it is applied?...

News / 05.09.2022

The Future Home Prize, which Volksbank RheinAhrEifel has been awarding since 2008, was presented on August 30th 2022 to the Styropor Recycling compressor plants of FZ-Recycling GmbH & Co. KG (FZ-Recycling). The award seeks ideas, concepts and projects that advance the Rhine-Ahr-Eifel-Mosel region by promoting infrastructure, quality of life and attractiveness. More than 60 projects have received awards since its launch. In total, Volksbank has received around 1350 applications for the Future Home Award during this time. [caption id="attachment_5463" align="alignright" width="300"] District Administrator Cornelia Weigand congratulates f.l.t.r.: Dr. Frank...

News / 23.06.2022

In a press release, the Industrieverband Hartschaum e.V. reported the reopening of the Terneuzen plant on June 23, 2022: The first industrial plant for recycling EPS insulation materials from demolition and renovation work is restarting exactly one year after its initial commissioning. A group of German EPS producers - members of the Industrieverband Hartschaum e.V. - has rescued the Dutch PolyStyreneLoop plant from insolvency. The purchase agreement was notarized last week. The Dutch PS-Loop B. V. at the Terneuzen site is now a 100% subsidiary of the German GEC...

News / 08.06.2022

Closing a loop in our digital age usually requires a digital solution. Startups or SMEs that are in the process of transforming to circularity, or aiming to do so, are quickly faced with this task. The competencies for digital solutions are often available. But how do we make this solution circular? And how do we convey the circularity of our solution in a potential grant application or pitch to an investor? The answers to these questions are digital. The software solutions to them must be circular. For this, a...

News / 07.06.2021

Only 0.15% of companies in Germany are oriented sustainably. This is confirmed by a new study, commissioned by the German Council for Sustainable Development. That is a total of only 5,837 companies, 18% of which are freelance, science, technology or service companies, 22% manufacturing and 10% trade. 3 million companies are not sustainable, are not interested in sustainability, or are not familiar with the term sustainability. This is a lot of room for improvement and reveals the implementation difficulties that exist. Yet some framework conditions and specifications have long been...

News / 01.06.2021

As we know today, climate change is man-made. The question of how we behave therefore determines our future and that of our planet. When market researchers categorize people's behavior, they develop so-called personas. Personas also exist to describe people who behave in a sustainable way. However, we don't trust any market research unless it has been done or verified by ourselves. That's why we have examined common personas (named Hannah, Tom, Dori and Ulrike) from the Sustainable Living 2020 study in more detail. For verification we have set...

News / 19.05.2021

The human actor in the Circular Economy is an interesting topic. Often it is assumed that consumers support the Circular Economy mainly through demanding circular products. System thinkers say, consumers are overestimated in this role. Furthermore, this mindset suggests that we can maintain our current system. The only thing consumers need to do is to consume differently. But that doesn't go far enough. This we would like to clarify in this blog post. The Circular Economy sometimes puts the cart before the horse. In recent years, the Circular Economy...

News / 17.02.2021

About circularity and reality. And what it all has to do with banana bread. Eveline Lemke, Charléne Nessel Which statement best describes the future of the Circular Economy? Reality is becoming circular? Or is circularity becoming real? Is there a difference? And is it even true? Aren't we still miles away from a Circular Economy? The Circular Economy and the Green Deal are the EU's big topics, chosen by Ursula von der Leyen. So far, it has hardly met with any criticism, because it promises green growth opportunities and reaches new...

News / 09.12.2020

All around the globe, among other things, within the framework of “Fridays for Future”, people are demanding decisive action from politicians for more climate protection. The corona pandemic has made it clear how vulnerable our lives are to external influences and what that can mean for our everyday lives. We are noticing more and more clearly that the effects of climate change also affect Germany, for example: increased hot days over 30 degrees, droughts, heavy precipitation events or rising sea levels. Climate protection and adaptation are central tasks of...

News / 02.10.2020

[caption id="attachment_3236" align="alignleft" width="300"] Leif Ziebeil, David Wozniak und Dr. Frank Ziebeil started the projekt[/caption] The start-up FZ-Recycling GmbH & Co. KG celebrates its first system in operation today. The small, decentralized EPS extrusion plant is built into a container and is used on a large construction site in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler. Used EPS insulation material, i.e. styrofoam, otherwise an expensive waste to dispose of, is cleanly processed into compressed EPS directly on site. As a result, not 50 trucks drive to the landfill, but 1 truck transports the recycling...

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