News / 06.01.2020

Prof. Klaus Schwab promoted a frame called „stakeholder capitalism“. His interpretation of this form of economy as well as the phrase itself was widely discussed. The Davos participants are criticized for their raider behaviour, draining the resources of the planet, causing climate change. Such the new Davos Manifesto is a step into the right direction and we would like to interpret what we have watched during the meeting. The principal assumption of the stakeholder economy is, that every company that wants to prosper over time, must not only deliver...

News / 06.11.2019

Thinking Circular contributed to REN21’s Renewables Global Status Report (GSR). This report tracks the annual development of renewables using the most up-to-date information and data available. Its neutral, fact-based approach documents in detail the annual developments in market, industry and policy. The report is a collaborative effort, drawing on an international network of more than 1,500 authors, contributors and reviewers from over 155 countries. Now in its 15th year, the GSR is the most frequently referenced report on renewable energy market, industry and policy trends. Since the first edition...

News / 06.10.2019

[caption id="attachment_2525" align="alignright" width="300"] Speakers at the VPP-Event (left to right): Achim Schröder, EFA-S, Reinhardt Ritter, EFA-S, Hartmut Bauer, EGS, Robert Domina, Huss Verlag, Robert Orten, Rolf Meyer, Meyer & Meyer Gruppe, Wolfgang Wüllhorst, BSR, Eveline Lemke, Thinking Circular, Erich Kielhorn, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Abhay Firodia, Force Motors Ltd., Frank Müller, BV eMobilität[/caption] The climate protection package just announced by the Federal Government mobilizes innovations. An order increase of 70% in the electric retrofit of diesel commercial vehicles in the back had loaded the ORTEN Group for a VPP-Event to...

News / 06.09.2019

This scenario for an industry in distress drew on the occasion of the specialized event of the paper industry on 3/4 September in Munich. The PTS-Coating Symposium began with a debate about the scenarios of an industry losing 4% per year. Even drastic efficiency measures, which have an increase of 19%, only help on a temporary basis, according to analyzes. Digitization threatens to kill the paper. How can an invention of the paper industry look like, how recycling processes, coatings, paints and prints should be designed so that a...

News / 06.05.2019

How much would the end of incineration contribute to climate protection? After the end of the atomic- and coal-power the end of incineration is near.  The Ökoinstitut e. V. already calculated in 2014 that in 2050 only 10 incinerators in Germany would be necessary to dissolve worst wastes. Now the question in on the table how the transformation process will be run? Are there perspectives for chemical recycling? Who will invest in innovation? Only one day after the European election I had the honour to discuss this question...

News / 05.04.2019

Digital Strategies, Circular Economy, climate protection or the development of green industries are in the need of new forms of teaching and new curricula word wide. This is the case for China, too. [caption id="attachment_2481" align="alignleft" width="300"] 25.03.2019 l. to r.: Lu Bai (Chips GmbH), Eveline Lemke (Thinking Circular) Xduan Wie (Moderator) und Li Jian (Member of the CPPCC National Committee)[/caption] The government has a clear view of necessary developments within the educational systems and addressed this to education, society and economy. Eveline Lemke, founder of Thinking Circular und Minister...

News / 05.02.2019

Rheinland-Pfalz is a global model for a 100% renewable energy policy. This has been highlighted in the new report of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Abu Dhabi – “Best Practice Examples to 100% Renewable Energy”. IRENA is an intergovernmental organisation that supports 160 member countries in their transition to a sustainable renewable energy future. Rheinland-Pflaz was the only German state example cited in the comprehensive report of IRENA “Coalition action”. The international alliance, which is affiliated to IRENA, is growing steadily and now has more than 80 leading...

News / 01.01.2019

The paperless workplace – an illusion? REEP is a start-up coming from Israel. It’s team challenges paper consumption. Paper will never disappear, for people trust printed pages more than digital data. And we all love beautiful printings and books. In overcoming the crisis of paper hibernation de-imaging, de-inking and automising paper use was powered by REEP. Thus DiPa (TM) your Digital Paper Assistant was created. This is Circular Economy for your office workplace. [embed][/embed] Read more....

News / 06.11.2018

After her term as Minister for Economy, Climate Protection, Energy and State Planning in Rhineland-Palatinate, in 2017 Eveline Lemke seized the opportunity to reposition herself personally and professionally. Thus she founded the consulting company "Eveline Lemke Sustainability and Circular Economy Consulting".  Together with the agency for branding and design p21 by Yvonne Kamp in Grafschaft, a complex brand development was started aiming at systemic and science based consultancy for sustainability and circular economy. As a result the green multiverse "Thinking Circular®" was registered as a trademark at the European Union...

News / 01.11.2018

Teraloop is a grid-scale energy storage system that can provide a future alternative to batteries. ​Imagine a way to store energy that can meet the needs of the population, and provides a zero-waste solution that respects the Earth’s natural resources. Growth no longer needs to come at the detriment of our environment. This is our long-term sustainable, renewable and circular vision. ​Teraloop provides a highly efficient method of storing energy. It operates in synergy with renewable generation assets, balancing the natural variation of supply and demand. By enabling a fully renewable...

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