
There is a lot to do on the way to a world without waste. In this section we not only report on the milestones in cooperation with our partners, but we also provide information about new offers and services.

It is particularly important to us to draw attention to individual projects and to report on valuable encounters that help us and our customers achieve their common goal. The time line of our news represents the story of Thinking Circular®.



News / 22.04.2021

In Germany the market share of green products was about 11% in 2017 (latest numbers; that’s 139 Billion EUR of 1,300 Billion EUR GDP in total). The goal of a higher market share for green products is to reach 32% in 2030 (= 404 Billion EUR). Did you know? Green energy consumption has increased by 50% since 2011. After introducing trustworthy ecolabels, sales of green products triple within one year. 82% of the 15–29-year-olds are currently revolutionizing the food market through eating less or no meat. 33% of them...

News / 02.03.2021

In March 2021, Metropolitan Verlag, Regensburg, will publish the fourth Sustainability Yearbook. It contains valuable impulses to face the growing challenges of resource and climate protection and to initiate a transformation to the circular economy and climate neutrality in the economy. In addition to articles on new aspects and developments, the Yearbook contains best-practice examples from companies, presents networks and organizations, and provides an overview of competitions and certificates in the field of sustainability. With "Homo Circularis - Of circularity and reality. And what it all has to do with...

Unkategorisiert / 26.02.2021

About resilient earthlings, stewards of all things, who love, learn and seek good life The Circular Economy already offers some answers to the question of how the economy could be in the future. However, the theory is not complete. It still lacks an idea how we as humans are described in this new world. How would people have to be or act if the theory of the Circular Economy were to become reality? We dare to attempt a formulation that - following the Circular Economy - we call Homo...

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