
There is a lot to do on the way to a world without waste. In this section we not only report on the milestones in cooperation with our partners, but we also provide information about new offers and services.

It is particularly important to us to draw attention to individual projects and to report on valuable encounters that help us and our customers achieve their common goal. The time line of our news represents the story of Thinking Circular®.



News / 14.07.2023

Why an Academy.Thinking Circular®? How do you implement circular economy projects? How do you design your company in a timely and sustainable manner? Climate protection, climate adaptation and the circular economy are not fiction for you, but reality, but you are looking for helpful practical tips and tricks to implement your business idea, or a sound background with which you can get your employees in the mood for your project? Then you've come to the right place, because that's why we built the Thinking Circular® Academy. It enables you and...

News / 19.06.2023

The first industrial plant for the recycling of EPS insulation materials goes into regular operation: the innovative recycling concept PSLoop enables the recycling of HBCD-containing polystyrene foams on an industrial scale and testifies to the great innovative strength of the industry. Röhrnbach/Terneuzen (NL), June 2023. After the German EPS Converters (GEC) Group rescued the Dutch PolyStyreneLoop plant from insolvency last year, it has now been able to go into regular operation. The plant, which has since gone by the name PSLoop, is the first industrial facility for recycling EPS...

News / 07.03.2023

Since January 2023, the EU has been supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in planning their green transformation. Within the framework of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus), money will be distributed for the use of management consulting. This is intended to improve the prospects for success, performance and competitiveness, as well as employment and adaptability. The subsidy is paid out if a consultant is commissioned who is recognized as such by the BAFA (Federal Office of Export Control). The consulting services should consider the goals of the German...

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