
There is a lot to do on the way to a world without waste. In this section we not only report on the milestones in cooperation with our partners, but we also provide information about new offers and services.

It is particularly important to us to draw attention to individual projects and to report on valuable encounters that help us and our customers achieve their common goal. The time line of our news represents the story of Thinking Circular®.



Unkategorisiert / 25.10.2022

A new standards compass provides guidance on sustainable seals, industry standards and multi-stakeholder initiatives. This makes it easier for small companies to identify which standards fit their sustainability management. A large and diverse number of standards have been developed with different approaches to sustainability. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular often do not have the time and resources to gain an overview themselves and make qualified decisions about which standards can support them in their processes. The Standards Compasscomparison tool is now intended to provide clarity and orientation...

News / 12.10.2022

The time of worldwide simultaneous crises has begun. Has the time of an ecological emergency regime also begun with it? Ulrike Herrmann, author of the book “Das Ende des Kapitalismus” (The End of Capitalism), published by Kiepenheuer&Witsch Verlag, addresses the question of what economic policies can help to prevent our economic systems from collapsing. I was interested in how Herrmann categorizes the Circular Economy in this book. Can the theory of the Circular Economy help solve the crises? Will we survive on this planet if it is applied?...

News / 05.09.2022

The Future Home Prize, which Volksbank RheinAhrEifel has been awarding since 2008, was presented on August 30th 2022 to the Styropor Recycling compressor plants of FZ-Recycling GmbH & Co. KG (FZ-Recycling). The award seeks ideas, concepts and projects that advance the Rhine-Ahr-Eifel-Mosel region by promoting infrastructure, quality of life and attractiveness. More than 60 projects have received awards since its launch. In total, Volksbank has received around 1350 applications for the Future Home Award during this time. [caption id="attachment_5463" align="alignright" width="300"] District Administrator Cornelia Weigand congratulates f.l.t.r.: Dr. Frank...

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